Vote Save America | Organize or Else 2024

  • Organize
  • Or Else
  • Organize
  • Or Else
  • Organize
  • Or Else
  • Organize
  • Or Else
  • Organize
  • Or Else
  • Organize
  • Or Else
  • Organize
  • Or Else
  • Organize
  • Or Else
  • Organize
  • Or Else
  • Organize
  • Or Else

It’s time to organize….or else.

Joe Biden stepped down and endorsed Kamala Harris. The stakes of the 2024 election are the same: National abortion ban. Detention camps. A wannabe dictator turned actual dictator who still won’t shut up about low-flow toilets. Overall, not great.

This is an all-hands-on-deck moment and we need you with us. It’s time to Organize…or Else.

Vote Save America is here to make it as easy as possible to get involved however suits you best.

Let’s do some volunteering, save democracy, and then…hang out? Feel the rain on our skin? We can play it by ear.

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Explore the 2024 Landscape

  • 38 House targets
  • 7 Senate targets
  • 8 Presidential battlegrounds
  • 7 Ballot initiative targets
  • 2 Governor targets
  • 4 State Supreme Court targets
  • 11 State legislature targets
  • Team West
  • Team East
  • Team West
  • vs.
  • Team East

Find Your Team

    Virginia is on Team East

    Not in Virginia? Select a different state.

    Here’s what’s at stake for your team:

    It’s the Atlantic vs. the Pacific. In-N-Out vs. Shake Shack. Starbies vs. Dunkies. Cicadas vs….uh, coyotes? You get it. It’s the Battle of the Coasts, baby.

    Between now and Election Day, we’ll be tracking each team’s stats. Only one team will win. LFG.

    West Coast, Best Coast? We’ll be the judge of that. Take a look at the stakes for your team, and you’ll see how the West can be won – from Mississippi to shining sea.

    Here’s what’s at stake for your team:

    It’s the Atlantic vs. the Pacific. In-N-Out vs. Shake Shack. Starbies vs. Dunkies. Cicadas vs….uh, coyotes? You get it. It’s the Battle of the Coasts, baby.

    Between now and Election Day, we’ll be tracking each team’s stats. Only one team will win. LFG.

    East Coast, you’ve got a three-hour head start. Here’s all the races and votes y’all/youse guys/you Massholes can get behind to have you saying, “‘Ey, I’m winnin’ here!”

    team west’s road to win

    • 230+ Electoral College Votes
    • 1,900+ DNC Delegates
    • 11 states with priority races

    team east’s road to win

    • 300+ Electoral College Votes
    • 2,800+ DNC Delegates
    • 13 states with priority races

    Team West Targets

    • Alaska U.S. House (AK-AL)

      Alaska may be the Last Frontier, but it’s one of the first for protecting the U.S. House. If you didn’t know that already, now Juneau.

    • Montana U.S. Senate, U.S. House (MT-01), State legislature, State Supreme Court

      Big Sky Country has some Big High Stakes this year. Montanans gotta re-elect Sen. Tester, defend the state Supreme Court, and potentially gain up to 18 seats in the legislature.

    • Nebraska U.S. House (NE-02)

      Did you know that Nebraska invented Arbor Day? Us either. But we do know that Nebraka is crucial for taking back the House this year.

    • Nevada White House, U.S. Senate, U.S. House (NV-03), Ballot initiative, STATE legislature

      What happens in Vegas… will help determine the majority in Congress and who’s in the White House and also whether NV secures abortion freedom. No pressure.

    • New Mexico U.S. House (NM-02)

      The official state question may be ‘red or green’? But when it comes to the U.S. House, we like New Mexico blue.

    • Oregon U.S. House (OR-05, OR-06)

      Looking to flip the U.S. House? Leave it to (the) Beaver (State) to get it done.

    • Washington U.S. House (WA-03)

      Pick Marie. Love Marie. Choose Marie. Roll up those flannel sleeves and protect vulnerable House incumbent Rep. Marie Glusenkamp Perez in WA-03.

    • Arizona White House, U.S. Senate, U.S. House (AZ-01, AZ-06), State legislature, Ballot initiatives

      Can-yon believe how important AZ is for Dems? We can. When the White House, Senate, and House of Reps all potentially hinge on elections in your state, you know you’re a pretty big deal.

    • Colorado U.S. House (CO-03, CO-08)

      The stakes are Rocky Mountain high and so are we. Nevertheless, let’s focus up and protect some vulnerable House incumbents.

    • California U.S. House (CA-13, CA-22, CA-27, CA-41, CA-45, CA-47, CA-49)

      We’re California dreamin’ of a Democratic majority in the House, but dreamin’ won’t be enough. Less taco, more action.

    • Texas State legislature

      Everything is bigger in Texas, including the electoral stakes. Put on your cowboy boots, say “yeehaw,” and then take those off and put on some sneakers, we’re going canvassing.

    • Arkansas Ballot initiative

      Why don’t Arkansas and Kansas rhyme? We don’t know. But what we do know is that it’s crucial to secure reproductive freedom on the ballot this November.

    Team East Targets

    • Michigan White House, U.S. Senate, U.S. House (MI-07, MI-08, MI-10), State legislature, State Supreme Court

      No matter where on the Mitten you live, you’ll have your thumb on the pulse of the 2024 election with critical Senate, House, state leg, and state supreme court races.

    • Pennsylvania White House, U.S. Senate, U.S. House (PA-07, PA-08, PA-10), State legislature

      If Gritty could vote, we know he’d vote progressive up and down the ballot. Make him proud by turning the Commonwealth blue.

    • Virginia U.S. House (VA-02, VA-07)

      Virginia is for lovers and super important House elections. Let’s make sure it’s also for winners.

    • Connecticut U.S. House (CT-05)

      Is Connecticut the Pizza Capital of America? Jury’s out. Is Connecticut the Capital of Flipping the U.S. House? We’ll find out this November.

    • New Jersey U.S. House (NJ-07)

      You’se guys might not have consensus on whether it’s Taylor Ham or pork roll, but we can agree on one thing: NJ is crucial to flip the House. Grab your cawfee and let’s ride.

    • Ohio U.S. Senate, U.S. House (OH-01, OH-09, OH-13), Ballot initiatives, State Supreme Court

      Keep your buckeyes on the prize: Ohioans have got an important November ahead of ‘em.

    • New York U.S. House (NY-04, NY-17, NY-18, NY-19, NY-22)

      Flippin’ the House isn’t a pie-in-the-sky dream if we can win New York. Grab a slice, pretend Republicans are the Red Sox, and LFG.

    • Florida State legislature, Ballot initiative

      Ready to hand Ron DeSantis and his band of Florida Republicans some Ls? Let’s ‘gator done.

    • Georgia White House, State legislature

      Like JB said, we get our peaches out in Georgia, and hopefully, some of the votes we need for Biden’s reelection.

    • New Hampshire Governor, State legislature

      NH, we’d never take you for Granite – especially when your races for Governor and state legislature are so important.

    • North Carolina Governor, White House, U.S. House (NC-01), State legislature, State Supreme Court

      This year, it’s important for North Carolina to be blue (debate amongst yourselves whether it’s Duke or Tar Heel blue).

    • Wisconsin White House, U.S. Senate, State legislature

      Not to badger you, but you cheeseheads have some critical races at the federal and state level this year.

    June Leaderboard

    Team East takes the lead!

    • Number of Voters Canvassed

      • Team West 726
      • Team East 1,519
    • Number of Calls Made

      • Team West 13,901
      • Team East 29,063
    • Number of Texts Sent

      • Team West 170,827
      • Team East 179,635

    The 2024 Leaderboard

    Team East takes the lead!

    • Number of… Voters Canvassed

      • Team West 1,336
      • Team East 1,801
    • Number of Calls Made

      • Team West 23,097
      • Team East 36,812
    • Number of Texts Sent

      • Team West 278,454
      • Team East 302,402

    Points are awarded each month as follows: 2 points to the team with the most doors; 2 points to the team with the most calls; 1 point to the team with the most texts.

    VSA super volunteer Darcy knocks doors in California

    Okay, LFG.

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    WTF is Vote Save America 2024: Organize or Else?

    We all know the stakes of the 2024 election and spoiler alert: they’re not great!

    So if you want to do something besides screaming into the void, VSA’s got you covered.

    Whether it’s winning critical Senate races, regaining the U.S. House, or stopping Republicans at the state level, we’ve got the most high-impact volunteer opportunities locked in. And we’re here to make it as easy as possible to get involved, however suits you best. 

    All you have to do is put your info into this form here, and we’ll get you to the right team. See you at a canvass kickoff!

    How does Team East vs. Team West work?

    If you were with us in 2020 or 2022, you’ll remember that we split our super volunteers into teams. In 2020 it was state by state, and in 2022, region by region.

    This year, we’re going big. We’re going bold. We’re going East vs. West. It’s the battle of the coasts. To keep it interesting, we’re splitting East vs. West down the Mississippi River. Think of your favorite summer camp games, but all grown up and ready to fight for democracy.

    Why is Louisiana on Team West?

    Look, we don’t want to hear it, Louisiana. The line had to be drawn somewhere, and not everyone was gonna like it, so put on a cowboy hat and give Team West a “howdy.”

    How does score-keeping work? Are there prizes?

    Over the course of the campaign, we’ll be tracking each team’s stats. How many calls you’ve made, texts you’ve sent, doors you’ve knocked, shifts you’ve filled.

    And yes, the highest-achieving team will win the biggest prize of all: the continuation of American democracy. <3

    • Organize
    • Or Else
    • Organize
    • Or Else
    • Organize
    • Or Else
    • Organize
    • Or Else
    • Organize
    • Or Else
    • Organize
    • Or Else
    • Organize
    • Or Else
    • Organize
    • Or Else
    • Organize
    • Or Else
    • Organize
    • Or Else