Home About Vote Save America About Vote Save America What exactly is Vote Save America? It’s a website, an initiative, and a community designed to help guide you with each step you need to take throughout the year to have the impact you want. We’ll help you not only get registered to vote and learn about candidates on your ballot, but also volunteer locally. And, not to brag, but together we’ve accomplished a lot since 2018. $63.9 MILLION raised for progressive causes and candidates >278,700 volunteer shift sign ups >940,000 people researched their ballots >956,000 people registered or checked their registration >30,000 poll workers recruited Read more about our impact in 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2024. What’s next? We won’t sugarcoat it: things feel BAD right now. But instead of dissociating or doomscrolling into oblivion, we have high-impact options for you to direct your time and energy where they’ll have the biggest impact: Set up a recurring donation! VSA’s Anxiety Relief Program is a great place to support grassroots organizations and down ballot candidates. Start a monthly donation at the level that feels right for you and we’ll send your dollars to folks who need it most. At the end of the month, we’ll tell you where your money went. Sign up for email updates from VSA (see below). That’s the best way to find out how you can make a difference. There are no off years, and we’ll keep sending you everything from high-impact donate options, key volunteer opportunities, and a solid supply of bad puns to get you through your election (and state-of-the-world) anxiety. Join the Vote Save America Community. Ready to dive in right now? Join our virtual Slack community to connect with fellow volunteers, access trainings, and even join our book club! Join us! Find out how you can continue to maximize your impact First Name Please enter a valid email address. Email Address* Please enter a valid ZIP code. ZIP Code* Thank you for signing up! Our mission statement Vote Save America’s mission is to mobilize people from all walks of life into meaningful action on legislation, issues, and elections to advance progressive ideals, candidates, and causes committed to creating a just world. How you can support us While the initiative of Vote Save America was born at Crooked Media, it is no longer a project of Crooked Media. Vote Save America is now a Political Action Committee. If you would like to support our work and enable us to grow and scale, this section is for you! If you’re an individual who would like to give less than $5,000, please donate here. If you’re a company or a union (or really if you want to contribute with any funds other than your own personal funds) or if you’d like to contribute more than $5,000, please donate here. You can learn more about Vote Save America Action, a 501(c)4 organization and donate here.